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The Gall Group

The group Structure, Phsysiology and Chemistry of Neotropical Galls has been recently consolidated, getting recognition among the researchers of plant-insect interaction as the unique group to associate structural development with physiological, Chemical and ecological implications. Regarding human resources formation, 12 doctors and 39 masters have graduated under the supervising of our team leaders. The gall group has 20 graduated and undergraduated students involved in research projects on the interdisciplinary approaches. The academic production has also increased, and count with more than 190 papers, involving students and researchers of several Brazilian universities (UFMG, UFU, UFG, UFRJ and UFLA). Our international partnerships with the Universidad de Concepción (Chile), and Universidad de León (Spain) have also consolidated.


Our main lines of research are:


     1.      Morphological and molecular basis of gall development;

     2.      Stress and photosyntesis relationship in galls;

     3.      Tritrophic relations in host plant-galling herbivore systems.

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